Concrete City

Location: Nanticoke, Pennsylvania

The small, 22 duplex-home neighborhood was built in 1911 to be used housing for a coal mining company and it’s employees. Each duplex build entirely out of concrete. The walls, floor, ceilings and stairs. The original company was sold in 1922 to the Glen Alden Coal Company who was told by local government that they would have to pay for almost $200,000 in upgrades to the neighborhood. Mainly due to no sewer system. Glen Alden Coal was not at all interested in doing so, so the town became abandoned.

In the years following it was attempted to demolish the neighborhood using upto 100 sticks of dynamite on just one house. It literally did nothing. So they gave up. Today, all 22 houses still stand are used by military, police and fire departments for training. It is also loved by paint ballers.

rooftop view


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